Friday 28 March 2014

Rekindle Candle

What's up guys? So today we have made a further exploration about any brilliant idea of invention and we ended up our searching after we found this candle. This is not an ordinary candle that we use daily. This is a regenerating candle.

Called the Rekindle Candle, this unique candle mainly designed by Benjamin Shine. The way it function is similar as the normal candle, but soon after the candle is completely melt down, the excess is kept and rebuilt in a shape by the cylinder, forming a 'new' candle. This process entirely has the similar concept as recycling. It is definitely a brilliant invention that will keep the world from holding too much wastage. Even thought its contribution of reducing world's wastage might be little, but at least it is a core step for another possible bigger invention that would help decreasing the amount of waste thing on this earth. Obviously this is the beginning of creation that will lead human for a better life. 


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